Listening to
NPR and somehow watching the younger sister from 7th heaven do a slow dance
thru time where she is mostly naked and then she pulls a 'bulimic' version of
herself out of somewhere and it's like a mesh sock of all her skin she shakes
out and steps into
The NPR thing is with sons writer woman who wrote this and I am getting ready to return to where I just was
At the Hanover mall at some restaurant where people were getting together and alyssa Murphy was there and will was like a server or had been there too and we finally said hi to each other
But I think frankas came over and kissed me or something was awkward and I left the mall and I looked in the mirror and my face was all puffed up and ugly looking and not my face
And I am in my room in norwell getting ready to go back there
The NPR thing is with sons writer woman who wrote this and I am getting ready to return to where I just was
At the Hanover mall at some restaurant where people were getting together and alyssa Murphy was there and will was like a server or had been there too and we finally said hi to each other
But I think frankas came over and kissed me or something was awkward and I left the mall and I looked in the mirror and my face was all puffed up and ugly looking and not my face
And I am in my room in norwell getting ready to go back there
At some
highschool party with Lena Dunham abs Jenny in Lena dunhams room and drinking
and I see anson and will through the window and figure anson mustave came all
the way there in case I didn't have a boyfriend
Go in the kitchen and Curtis is there and gas his own table with a black tablecloth over it and kind of dark sculpture stuff like big balls all connected and all different alcohols, some kind if thing that looks like pink champagne but is lagerand he says he's leaving to go buy a bunch of coke
Christian Conway is there and jacki Maynard And a bunch of people are playing pool and I go by and Danny pye takes a picture of me and everyone
I am having trouble standing but I don't feel drunk at all
Lena is in her room and not drinking and seems concerned for me or the scenario
I am looking for will and trying not to fall because I keep slipping on stuff
Go in the kitchen and Curtis is there and gas his own table with a black tablecloth over it and kind of dark sculpture stuff like big balls all connected and all different alcohols, some kind if thing that looks like pink champagne but is lagerand he says he's leaving to go buy a bunch of coke
Christian Conway is there and jacki Maynard And a bunch of people are playing pool and I go by and Danny pye takes a picture of me and everyone
I am having trouble standing but I don't feel drunk at all
Lena is in her room and not drinking and seems concerned for me or the scenario
I am looking for will and trying not to fall because I keep slipping on stuff
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