Saturday, August 29, 2015

I am freaked out knowing I am dreaming, lucid in the reality of dreaming

Woke up and ate pasta and chocolate cake early in the am (real time)

Feverish lucid dream nightmares I was struggling to wake up from, testing my dreams to know I was dreaming, knew I was dreaming and could not change dreams or seem to wake up for a long time

Looking for frankas and trying to tell him I was dreaming, something like drugs or alcohol getting involved, going to meet alvan or find frankas to go to the cat power show

Get to the cat power show and no one is there and I go outside, there are people there but not alvan or frankas, some Russian girl with blonde hair I am kind of in charge of

Leave the show and get stuck/lost in a food court, my mother is there

Forgetting about time or realizing its dream time which is different and realize I might be missing the cat power show

Get back to the cat power show and I've missed the whole thing and I am so upset and crying and devastated

Go in and it is like a rounded amphitheater seating with all permanent seating kind of like where neutral milk hotel played but smaller you can get right to the stage and cat power is there

She looks so happy and healthy and clean like a flower girl and she has just finished and is handing out some kind of flyer to people

I go up to near the front row and she hands me a poster flyer and touches my arm and says I am a special girl

I try to be happy and am happy and so happy to see her but still so upset I missed the show

Back outside to the food court my mother is there and the blonde Russian girl my mother is with some other people and is leaving I haven't eaten yet and it's all street food carts I see a cart selling perogies

And want a perogies, my mother gives me money and I get a perogies ( they also have big stuffed and fried habanero peppers which iwant to ask how much are they but don't and don't get one) 

There is a blonde guy who is at the perogies stand and starts talking about how insane it is the perogies cost 7 dollars a piece and it's only 200 calories and like drinking water to him

But the perogies is a giant perogies and I am eating it very slowly while he is talking to me and enjoying it immensely 

I remember I told therussian girl we would get a drinkir she wanted to get a drink and I wasn't sure if she meant an alcoholic drink or not, I don't get back to her before I wake up

When I wake up I am so glad thecat power show has not happened yet in real life I was trying together out of that dream for so long

I should have just enjoyed meeting her there

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