Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Frankas threw out the little white vcr tv and my first dream last night seemed to recover/re propriet it- living in some little room up high in a brownstone with Josephine, or is she living there? And we are going to get her, seems like I am living there in a little room with the tv and maybe another girl and not much else.

Landed in some other city world maybe New York City and it is familiar to me but I am on the street I have a bag that I've had before and it has some kind of musical instrument or I also have a bike, I realize I've taken then from somewhere where they were locked with the intent to return them locked up again after I'm done and the I remember they are things that don't exist that I only take in dreams so I don't really have to return them....

I am riding a bike (which maybe I got the same way) and I ride it right up a fire escape and all the way to the door which is locked and gated at the top only I can open it and off the other side it looks like just a free fall drop and I start to think how did I get up those stairs so easily with this bike? Why am I not afraid of falling (and maybe this is where I start to wake up) and I notice there. Is a skinny little pole you can maybe climb or slide down off the fire escape but I don't know if I should throw the bike off the top or go down with it again or I've done so much with the bike already that I realize I'm dreaming and I can really do anything I want, but I don't exactly....maybe next time I should attempt to fly the bike

I think the bag I had which was originally locked on the street looked like or was john cremonas bag he had at the cafe which we brought back to his studio (in waking life)

Fiona apple's extraordinary machine running through my head repeatedly before I am awake

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