Wednesday, July 17, 2019

last weds 7/10/2019


$300 dollars on wilco tickets and somebody and maddy weaver were supposed to go with me

and something happens to where we arent even in the same city as the wilco concert the night of the show

and i am pissed and cheap even in my dream

furious that i spent $300 on these tickets and we arent even going to make the show

and pissed at maddy, really upset with her

(***and i sleeep all day in this dream like its a real life event)


walking into this place like a warehouse made into some kind of art event /gala

something supposed to be emf i guess and some kind of grand opening / event

all white walls/ white lights/ big open spaces

i am walking in and notice queen latifah is walking in also and i kind of walk up close behind her like to talk to her or kind of walk in together and she kind of sees me kind of snubs me , kind of walks faster to get in ahead of me, walk in alone

(****seems related / a dream shortly after my dream in nyc of john goodman hamming it up in the tent / where i left my phone charger in the wall and then did the same thing irl****)

walk into an outdoor cement area like the area outside the merrimack college gymnasium where we set up their graduation stage/lights...

rick st. denis is standing there and he has long flowing wavy dark hair, like a softer more flaxen howard stern hairdo...

i guess i know i am here to meet him but it feels like a suprise/ i am nervous / have trepidation about it

he takes me to some hotel room and tells me to get into the bed that i have to that he has to do something to me and i do it ( not against my will)

theres some kind of fantasy or thing hes saying as we have sex (almost like there is someone else there or involved)

and his penis is large, very big, and i never see it only feel it and somehow i know/feel that it is rounded off at the end, like it doesnt have the whole head part , like  a sawed off shotgun

(****the night before this irl i heard a live version of someone(?0 hav to look up) singing a song called you made me a woman i think about the first time a woman makes love and the lyrics came from her diary and shes talking on stage about it and i was thinking how bad my first time was and maybe this was some cosmic dream gift because the sex was good

right afterward rick gets up and leaves and goes somewhere and i want to keep having sex but when he comes back he wants to go the food court and i dont want to go to the food court and i am thinking about being direct and commanding the way he was with me vs. going to the food court where i fear he is going to get food and then pass out but this doesnt play through

Monday, July 15, 2019

living in or visiting some strange apartment in nyc with sid and curtis is there and there are two beds in a room and its a dark room and almost like a hotel.

leave the room like im leaving or i have to leave nyc and run into frankazoid and he takes me to some margarita bar mexican place that is very familiar like a place we all go and there is an older lady who works there and a younger girl with a high ponytail bun who works there like she is the waitress but there is a clear box where food and shots go out on the bar and whenever this happens the girl sticks her whole head in the clear box and almost licks everything-

they serve shots in shot glasses with an egg in the glass--- something happens

and frankazoid must be drunk and fights someone or throws something and the woman turns to me and says 'its your fault'

and i think i protest but i dont know what i say

but we start talking and things ease over somehow and she brings us to the back to show us the kale her daughter has grown in a back closet and the kale is small and growing like ivy

her daughter is the waitress who licks the food it turns out and now she is sitting behind the counter with an egg shot (clear liquid)


i am sitting behind the glass in some kind of store front and looking out and a group walks by and will is in the group and i start knocking on the glass to get his attention and he says jessie and he says the person i gave all my love to


my legs are numb and asleep all while im trying to walk and it wont go away
