Friday, February 22, 2019

I GO TO will's house with tyrone, like we are on tour or something... and there is one big room with multiple big beds but i feel like will is sleeping near the floor somewhere, i have one big bed and tyrone has one big bed...

its morning and wills girlfriend is there and she is asian and quiet , going around the apartment and i guess i am there somehow to go see will perform and she is saying will will stay at her apartment tonight but then no because he has his textile weaving class in the morning and i see he has a bunch of thick quilted rugs he must be working on

i see the venue for some recital, a repressed (maybe not the right word) stage and seating area i am seeing from above looking over a balcony, empty

IM AT some kind of boarding house that reminds me of my grandmother's house in south boston, but maybe run by someone like asian lady therapy, cant quite place who is running it, looks like an older thin woman with short grey hair, she reminds us that she usually only boards people who are seeing her for physical therapy so that we should say that we are renting a room so no one thinks/knows we are guests there...alvan has just left and she is standing in a door way filled with pop art... actually i think she is michelle williams (who i saw on the busy phillips show last night)

 and im talking to her and then someone dressed in beautiful layers of clothes like tapestries with a scarf over her face and followed by a man dressed similarly with a scarf over his face comes down the hallway and i feel like i know this person intimately and reach out and touch them and its Lisa Vanderpump and Ken and she says hello like she knows me and i tell her she looks so beautiful because she does.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

IN SOME kind of empty luxury apartment... waiting under unclear circumstances... waiting for go lightly for something, or for the animals to come...

lisa rinna's daughter delilah is there or whoever it is looks just like her

there is a palm tree in a big planter

my mom is there and she is leaving