go to ginas to ride horse, or some other place actually... somewhere where i've been told there is a very large indoor arena...or i find this out.... it is somewhere up on a hill where people have been telling me they are going with someone to ride horses, there is some friend with horses there. margot littlehale is coming down from the hill and saying i can go there maybe. when i go there is a large indoor arena and more than one horse but it is also maybe ginas. there are several of us riding horses.
after the horses or this turns into a rich girls chateua-like apartment / club consisting of herself and some other girls and then she also has a boyfriend. the boyfriend reminds me of travis friend john from brooklyn. maybe the chateau is like his condo in brooklyn.
i am standing next to travis and looking at him and he turns into or looks like scottkitchen. i am questioning who he is and how i really know him.
something is going on between the club of girls and the boyfriend and the chateau apartment. i'm really not sure how i got involved at all, but i feel like the boyfriend is maybe my friend. i don't know any of the girls very well. but i end up sitting with them at a fancy table and now maybe this is somewhere else.
maybe this is like an art gallery, a very large one, something like an art museum the size and scope of an aquarium. and there is something about us going into business or being able to put on some kind of big lavish events here, i'm not sure. i am sitting at the table thinking how strange and lucky it is i've gotten involved in this girls club with all this money and all this power from trying to ride a stranger friends horse... they are also somehow involved in the fashion world. they seem interested in me and im not totally sure why.
at some point i am outside the house i think with the boyfriend at night and he is slightly drunk or locked out or looking for cigarettes. i feel as if some secret information might be revealed. maybe only that there is some sense of dischord.
i am with someone then maybe supposed to be like my boyfriend but who in my mind now looks like dave from the firehouse , we are involved somehow and we have this baby bull dog puppy and we are walking down these sidewalks that are in between grassy areas, away from any streets (this is also the type of area i was with the boyfriend from the chateau outside before)
there is some kind of argument maybe over what to feed the dog. i am holding it in my arms and it is so lazy on its back like a puddle and so cute. there is some kind of mexican restaurant, and this barely makes sense, but there is some kind of mexican lace like we could go to eat there but instead dave opens bags of chips and salsa pours onto the sidewalk and there are two other people there then too and we eat the chips and salsa off the sidewalk and this way it is free for some reason.