Tuesday, September 29, 2015

One night ago

Find Gina in a weird kind of carnival town closest resemblance in real time to a Disney world/ Salem combo am looking for a lesson or to ride, she looks like a shrunken Susan Sarandon and has apparently gone through big life changes which she alludes to, she is surrounded by friends, I guess her husband went through some, kind of sex change but she has also changed, we keep traveling on trains,

Oh there is also this cosmetic and jewelry underground boutique place where Rachael Hayes and Jonathan both work and I go there and eat lots of food that is put on tables and Rachael tells me I can  work there also, I miss getting any good makeup and this transitions into finding Gina

I ask Gina about dj and she gets more upset seeming Han about her husband and not sure whatshe says exactly but it seems he has gone off somewhere and maybe left riding and doesn't speak to her I guess, there has been some kind of split in their relationship

Leaving the underground makeup boutique or Gina I run into the Granara family and am happy to see them and follow them back wherever they came from, they are very nice, always good to see Michelle in dreams for some reason

With Gina we stop in some kind of courthouse situation for some reason with all these people on benches and we are waiting for something maybe something I said I needed pros it therapy? She is saying how great itis here in the town where she lives now and this is what it's like, outside there are carriage horses and it has an old time feel, kind of like a dream town ive been in before

Two night ago

Frankezoid is coveringme in ketchup everywhere we go and I guess I am mad or annoyd with him and it seems like we're heading somewhere or end up at the freedom rally

In a small classroom with no windows with cat power and she is singing this song performing for a group of us on a small classroom and I am playing the flute arguably very poorly in the corner and the girl sitting next to me in the classroom moves far away from me as if I am offending her and the performance but chan Marshall seems into It and encouraging me and it starts her singing this song (above) which I could sing and remember perfectly when I woke up at 6 44 from frankas alarm

Sleeping after I am stuck in a mall and here is one cool store In the mall where there is supposed to be a show joe McCarthy is going to and has told me about, kind of like a high fidelity in the mall,
But I am lost in all these huge department stores and searching for the one store high sells liquor without wanting to ask around the mall about it, I finally find it and there are samples of bourbon on tables and the store is being run by a futuristic black man and I see a bottle of what looks like 1000 apples or whatever it's hot red liquid color but it's called Jarva land and I think it's $7 and I'm gonna buy it but I think I woke up

Friday, September 25, 2015

Right before I wake up

I am trying to climb up a very tall ladder that has very thin spindly boards as steps with some of the steps missing

Up to my apartment

And it is occurring to me 'this is an anorexia apartment' 

Because it is built to be almost falling apart and straining under my weight as I am trying to climb up the ladder and is supposedly only for very thin people to live in

I remember, Sara silk has just lived in this apartment before me

And I am trying to get upstairs to my apartment to get one vegetarian sandwich from the refrigerator which I have just remembered is there

When Jessica church comes up on the porch behind me and maybe I tell her what I am doing and she says the sandwich is in the refrigerator downstairs and gets it for me and I don't have to climb back up the ladder

Jessica church is living in the apartments downstairs which are divided up in this big fragile house like a house in charleston I guess

She comes out another time before this and has a bag dog with her both times which comes and helps me with her and is one time wearing a mask

It is a big husky looking dog like the dog XO only it is all black, she drives away in a car with it

I vaguely remember being upstairs in the apartment and having a roommate

Thursday, September 24, 2015

I was on a us being driven or at least a field trip being 
Edybytom tiptonand the bus was going all throughout wilderness I was thinking about zaza and living in New Hampshire 

I had been told where we were going to a farm somewhere
Maybe of the blue was moving to a farm, I was told we would be able to ride the horses there

I was looking out the window and seeing all these wild animals coming outofthewoods 

(Frankas said I was laughing in my sleep)

We got to where the farm was and I could seethe horses and they were very short and stocky like ponies almost but I was hopeful they were short horses not ponies

They had long long white manes that hung in their eyes and over their bodies and did not look like horses that were being ridden, I was afraid we couldn't ride them

Palomino color a dark tan 

It turned out we were in New Hampshire and maybe at aunt Flossie's house my mother was there

Atone point in the garage like the garage at my parents house and something happened with Melanie on the phone and I got very upset with her and stormed in the house and was very angry

Right before I woke up I was withher in what seemed like the rugged bear but was supposed to became somewhere where we had stopped and there were bathing suits for$10 and she was having me pick one out and I was grabbing quite a few and then regretting it because I didn't want to have to try them on

Before that at aunt Flossie's but whichwSmore like my parents housei was upstairs in my brothers room with this dark haired guy, handsome, he Put on a black wig and looked very goodie it I was admiring him,he seemed like some kind of comedian

Then he took the wig off and was standing on the right side of the bed by the window in front of the mirror and he suddenly became Asian but like he had always looked that way and then I noticed that his head was shaped like a camera, an old time camera with different boxes coming one out of the other,

That's what his head was shaped like


Frankas dreamed he went to work in a building somewhere and John Cremona was there working and there was a supervisor and the supervisor was also john Cremona and frankas wanted to say something about how he heard he nada show coming up but there wasn't't enough time

And then he realized he was in the ghetto and was scared and also it was late at nightand no one else was in the building

And then he had to leave on a bicycle and something which was very hard to navigate on the bicycle

Monday, September 21, 2015

visiting alex johnson in new york

(similar feeling to recently visiting rachael hayes in new york in real life)

she lives in some kind of tree house type place it is summer or very sunny out, i think she has room mates

she has to go to work or school but she is calm and seems in a good place, unsure of what i am doing or supposed to be doing

Sunday, September 20, 2015

coming back from some long kind of road trip

going to visit frankazoids mother we get in a bed with her

thanksgiving atmosphere

it seems like my parents bed and my parents bedroom

we are all holding beers i think and tying not to spill them maybe there is some spillage

maybe we are watching tv

frankazoid was holding this wire and it started shocking him and then it stuck to him and he couldn't get it off and he was gonna call tome for help but tun he thought no i wouldn't help him

he also dreamed he was the best man for his cousins wedding and he was late and he was fucked up and he was like 'why do i have to do this, i barely knew those peoples'

Saturday, September 19, 2015

I have a dog, someone has gotten it for me, itis a puppy, kind of like Chloe, it is long like an oversize hot dog dog and made of poodle , it has dark copper curly hair, like e dog Maury but darker

I forget I have itand then see it is sleeping on my parents pillows by my head

I am staying with my mother and maybe she has gotten me the dog

Whenever I forget it isee it has followed me to wherever I am

Feeling I need to go to new york for something

Get together with Jonathan and lindsay and all Lindsay's girlfriends but we are at my house and getting ready to go ona trip, I think to New York

Trying to eat before we leave, beets from a Tupperware container

Have a feeling that I am being left out in some way

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

in a strange college town where there is a coffee shop and sara silk is there and maybe her friend lisa baron... sarah silverman is about to do a standup set at the coffee shop and it costs maybe $5 and i am unsure whether i can go and walk down the street.

there is an apartment with the door open and i can see a group of people sitting around a table and think maybe i recognize them. i walk in and it is john hopper maccallum and his nuclear family all wearing very kitchy christmas outfits. there is a cat and it seems like i know the cat. i believe i greet the cat and the cat runs out the door.

they are surprised to see me but very nice to me when i walk in. i ask john if he is going to see sarah silverman. when the cat runs out the door we go outside. i am standing outside with john's mother and notice there is a big dog laying on the porch. it seems the dog does not move. the mom makes a joke about the dog and also says kit is a 'nurse's dog'.  i think the joke is supposed to be about the dog being a beached whale and it takes me a minute to decide this was the joke and then i say something to illustrate that i got the joke. i am no longer sure if her comment was a joke. if not, i have certainly just said something offensive.

i get the distinct impression, however, that the dog is unmoving at all times and lives its life as if on bed rest on the front porch of their home facing in toward the door (perhaps why they keep the door open) the dog also looks more like a cartoon girl and her ears look like hair and i believe she can talk. she has a very large body and many nipples.

the inside of their home as far as i can see it is very ornamental and rich looking, the wall paper is blue and white with gold embellishing and as i start to look around i notice more gold and ornamentation in the decor. it is much like napoleon's apartments at the louvre.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Frankas and I are watching a show called the next big American showcase in my parents room, right before I wake up a brunette cheerleader looking girl is about to shoot herself out of a cannon

Before that it is following mostly comedians and I guess the cannon girl is supposed to be a comedian too...

There is an androgynous looking girl with short curly hair in a car with some of the other contestants and she is talking about 'do you think I have burs?' To this other girl and then

Starts saying the word burr and moving her lip all different ways as she says it, then she is talking about her childhood and how she told racist jokes and there is a flashback scene

More like a dramatic movie of her as a chubby kid with long hair telling her mom a joke that goes 'when does a dog kill a possum in yellow snow' 'how do you know it is yellow' or something

The joke is supposed to be about the snow being yellow and the possum being really white and it is supposed to be racist but I'm not sure it is

And her mom is saying no or that it is not a good joke but it is funny, the scene

(I guess I want her to win)

Before that we are watching a show with a bunch of people talking about some guy named Damien who is slow and I guess they all knew him or worked with him and they are talking about his funny

Affectations and then one guy tells a story about how Damien's dog got into an ant hole and there were monkey ants in the hole and they all but the dog and the guy came over and couldn't find

The dog because he was hiding I guess, I think the dogs name was bandit, and Damien said something like 'I ain't done nothing that he wouldn't't done himself' and I guess the story is supposed 

To be that the dog died although I don't think it was Damien's fault, I wonder if that was supposed to be the point of the whole show.

Friday, September 4, 2015

multiple dreams/nights

two or so days ago- me and tyrone jones are in some kind of dollar store where he knows someone who works there and we can take whatever we want but some weird kind of deal like we have to eat it right away or carry it a long way and we both shit on the floor but not really shit on the floor just kind of wipe our butts on the floor and then when i look back later someone has mopped the area, i assume the guy he knows that works there...

last night- lindsay is pregnant and i am seeing it on facebook or somethin she is looking down at her stomach but still skinny
can't find frankas or he is ignoring me or being rude to me and i am upset with him

*lucid dreaming

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Same night as cat power dream....

I see carol Ann on a couch dressed cool in a grey shirt and jeans maybe only slightly self conscious, I see her there, not exactly sure where we are but realizing she grew up at emf in the same way I did, so maybe we are at emf, like she is coming back and exposing how she knows everyone here and they all know her and she used to be here before me and knows all about everything and everyone

What a wonderful dream for me!
Going to New Hampshire, see kaz in New Hampshire first maybe he is going on tour or something understanding how he has a job and things are different for him with the band... 

Then at my parents house and wanting to leave to go to New Hampshire to stay at the merits house which for some reason we can stay at but they won't let me go and I am upset and staying at their house and not wanting to be there

Then Erik and I are arriving at the merits place in New Hampshire and go by all thi stuff for free on the street outside and pick it up, their is a miniature organ and also a keyboard I think is mine that my parents have thrown out but turns out is. Different one long and skinny plugs into the wall very simple but does not play loud

Then my parents frankas and I are all on vacation on some kind of houseboat and they are going cliff climbing, I am just sitting spider style on frankas lap
My mom goes off the side of the house boat ledge and onto a gray cliff and my dad also goes, when my mom jumps onto. Rock of grey cliff material she causes it to rise upward like some kind of move on legend of the hidden temple, it goes very high and I am afraid of the height for a moment