Thursday, April 30, 2015

Jerry Seinfeld is running some kind of political campaign which coriander is making signs for and somehow I'm on the inside track of but I don't know much about the event and I kep having to go to this tow n hall type place am preoccupie d with buying $1 bags of small packaged candy mix, think if my mom and how she'd want to know the. Scoop with jerry by a computer. There is some driving around, not sure about my involvement

Recently be fire- dreamed I found my  old pink mini iPod in a. Duffel bag

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

recap night of 4/18/2015

dreamed of going to do a show of white stripes covers in a small space about the size of the lilypad, jack white and meg white are there but i dont see them and they are playing my music. first i hear the dead leaves and the dirty ground cover and somehow i know all this, but its like a show im supposed to be performing at but actually they are just playing my music and then jack and meg white are really going to perform but i dont see them even though i know they are there.

i am at my parents house and go with frankazoid to his mother's house which is up on a cliff with a green lush hill plateaus where the house is and the driveway and we are sleeping i guess outside overlooking the backyard, off the cliff in the back is my parents house which we can see clearly, in the dream it is an epiphane that frankazoid's moms house is right here in view of my parents house (i wonder what the non-reality implications of this dream-reality observation are?) we are lying there (and maybe there is a clothesline out the window) and all of a sudden some kind of dugong comes to life in the water below the cliff anbd then other exotic animals loike safari jungle animals, all coming to life and we realize they are all around us, not scary at all, just suprising and wonderful

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

was with Kaz at a bar someplace else (southern?) if it doesnt connect to the dream before it / foreign if it does...

before it seems like we all got here on some group destination and i believe we took a boat, lindsay is there, and everyone is talking about what time the liquor store closes and i guess its early....

i am vaguely worrying about money and wondering if i still have a nip half full of whiskey in my pocket

we are at the bar and going to set up.. i guess we are coming here to play? that is when Kaz is here and it seems more southern... he takes a coca cola and whiskey from the bar and we split it...\

then everyone has to pay and there is some confusion and kaz is telling the waitress what he took from the bar like he knows the place already

other people are uptight and he tells them how we'll all pay for each other

i am glad he is there

he sees how people around me are questioning everything i do (this description may be a bit of a waking projection) and starts asking me about how im living/working with them

it seems to be about music