Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Frankezoid coming into rooms and saying hey baby we gotta get out of here

Saturday, February 21, 2015

changing the band name to erik alexander...

letting people think I'm a boy/ remaining gender neutral about the band

Friday, February 13, 2015

I am omnipotent with Beth stern at fashion show and in the lives of Beth and Howard stern, Persephone merit, David am law is my best friend, truck driver, I am telling people at a halfway house, Dave tree runs, there are empty cabinets and frames in the outdoor hall sunroom, kind of like an artist asylum, more like a. Basement on the inside, Beth stern buying two canisters of seaweed at a corner sushi shop in New York, I am going on vacation with Janet Jarva and bringing cats back, bringing one cat for everyone, uncle Kenny wants a cat and also moves into the art asylum forcing Andrew mello to leave (this is what I hear I do not see Andrew mello after this rumor) trying to eat food junk food, cookies and pizza, stopping at a restaurant on family vacation with Erik and curt and janet. The artist asylum is more like an abandoned house, kind of like the basement in 101 Dalmatians. Beth stern is sitting next to me but in a different row at the fashion show and then climbs over the row to sit next to me and starts telling me about stuff, and stuff with Howard, she says there is something he does when you walk in the house that I will see. There is something like a broken mirror in the artists asylum when I see Andrew mello there.... Later on I am with Persephone and she is trying on two different outfits, one with purple straps across the back that looks fancy and another that is more a muted green color. I am wearing a pink muted too and green skirt of some kind, kind of like a long lost Montreal outfit I wore with Lindsay...I am biking through norwell and run into "Zachary Jacobs" if that's the right guy the one with the hair that travels.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Went to see Gina for a riding lesson after everything was going wrong in dreamworld, she was showing me her canter on a horse that looked like mike and I was on a horse like the big rolls Royce horse or Mac cantering behind her and she had had a rough time or something but was doing really well and there were all these people there and more people coming in while I was there. Another horse and a bunch of small dogs came through during my lesson and made me think what a skill she had with animals and people and a genius for allowing them to communicate. There was one dog that sounded like a gerbil but looked like a small white poodle. I got off the horse bc of the people with the dogs and another horse that had blue fur and looked more like a cartoon horse than a real horse but was a real horse... I said it looked like a manatee. Gina said she got it from somebody who sold/worked with dolphins...we were more like in a building then and I started worrying about how I was gonna pay her, I decided to ask if I could mail her a check but I didn't have a pen or anything. I looked down and there were pens in the gravel do I picked I be up. All these people were coming through and I asked her if they were here for her...we got outside and there was some kind of gatekeeper like woman there like she ran some aspect of this town...almost like a gypsy gut this is afte the door opens and the world changes a bit...Gina goes over to the gypsy woman and sits down on her feet in the little caged area with her like they are friends or used to being in this place together and Gina is being silly....she seems like Natasha Leon in Orange is the new black for a moment. I wake up.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Dave tree is wearing the pink parrotise shirt we bought rap for Xmas at savers, I only really notice he was wearing it after he leaves. He comes into Eriks room at my parents house and me and rp are staying there. There is a wind chime metal thing with metal strings and blue glass in the left hand corner of the room and before we were hanging it across the room but when Dave comes in it is hanging straight down in the corner, I tell him I wanted it to go across the room. I tell him I do whatever I am doing for rp at the moment for other people too like frankezoid (which is what I mean) but I say luch. Before he comes and we are In this room I am somewhere with the frankezoid, almost like we all live together in a series of dilapidated mansions or the same big house, he has some quarters in this house but they seem abandoned or something. Briefly it is the idea of sone other nicer living somewhere, a building with glass windows and the building is like a cliff face to a beach below it and the weather is wArm. Also some kind of arcade maybe near there briefly. Rp and I almost having sex right before I wake up, we have been fooling around in bed and are going to do it but then Stephen is there and we are seeing whether or not he'll notice if we have sex right in front of hi. But in a blanket on the floor - I wake up