Wednesday, August 27, 2014

In a movie theater with will and its not right for some reason and I want to leave but not in the beginning when the movie starts we are sitting together and I am on his right side and the movie seems like a cosmic star or a planet or I can feel or energy a syncing kind of like a ray of sunlight but more like a tunnel. Then I am at my parents house like I must be in charge or have some kind of obligation there my brother is there too but my parents are gone and the place is Kind of a mess. Devon comes in and we go out to a restaurant and she falls about how she doesn't like drinking eor being around alcohol but she's saying it to my brother for some reason. She gives me an envelope but I never open it. Right before I wake up we are sitting on my parents couch and she asks me if I will tickle her back. She says "I don't want to see the things my family does for me"

Before this when we are just at the house Ricky a calls me on the phone to talk about our relationship and I just can't believe that he's even calling me.

Someone is leaving and I guess it must be Devon's birthday. I am leaving the house and someone comes running out with a portrait I can vaguely remember from portraits we were all doing, a group of girls. The girl is blonde and buck toothed and maybe holding a toothbrush. For some reason I want to call her Liz.