Friday, November 30, 2012

I am with Rob and then with John Cremona and Glinda. Pierce is there too. It is something like a fair. We are buying pot and then smoking pot. John smokes pot with Rob but Glinda doesn't. We are all going somewhere or doing something. It seems like a delicate situation but innocent. At some point we are in a car and then later in a room.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I go somewhere to see Will and his parents are there.They act like they don't know me. I go into a basement setting. It is like highschool. Lindsay is there. I finally get a glass of wine and come over to this group of women Lindsay is in and its like they were all talking about me. Some woman who is not exactly Lindsay's mother says I'm fat in someway.

I get water all over Todd's book Kitchen Confidential and know I'll have to replace it and feel ok about it.

I am looking at my car through a window and someone is bringing a box out of it. I go outside and ask them what they're doing and they tell me they have to inspect a possible bomb threat. I know I'm not building a bomb. At the same time the parking meter man has already written me a ticket and he is laughing about it. He says "Some are done but others are doner!"

Right before I get up a woman is taking a guitar case or something out ofmy car and she goes back and hits whatever is in the back of my car as if I had done the same thing to her guitar case.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I end up moving into some kind of highschool with Rob. The walls of the school are orange I think. Its some kind of highschool where it doesn't cost much but you all live there like a boarding school. There is a grocery store. I take my parents to the grocery store and we buy the last almond butter and I point out to my dad how they sell almond milk in big glass jars and one looks like its full of squid or something pink and fleshy. In the backyard of the school there is a rope swing and a pool that is deeper and larger than it looks at first but its not warm enough to go swimming. The rope swing is located up the side of a tree after you climb steps nailed onto the side of the tree and there is a tree fort at the top of the tree where the rope is. In the distance from this position at the mouth of the tree fort,higher up in another tree in front of me is another tree fort. I don't go in either one and both look like they might collapse and have been there for a long time, grey wood.The guy who gave us the "apartment" is outside and he tells me I can't take the rope swing, but in a nice way. I tried to take it when someone else was using it without realizing they were using it. For some reason I think I'm using it to get high? Or every other time I went outside no one was there but this time everyone is outside. Mirella shows up in our room like I think maybe she used to live there and goes to sleep at the foot of my bed. There is a cafeteria and the cafeteria looks out on grounds that make it almost seem like a mental ward.

Before I wake up everyone is in a room together like we have been called together and there is some sort of rumor going around. I see a girl with dark hair, almost indian-looking who I'd seen earlier mouth the word ecstacy at someone and then she says "that doesn't sound bad, that sounds good."

Rob is nothing like Rob and doesn't talk to me. I think he wears glasses and looks like Rick St.Denis.

Monday, November 19, 2012

In the end I am in Charleston with Maria who is graduating  and she says something about how the funny thing is about going to graduation... and I point out that she didn't go to my graduation ceremony. Charleston is curvy and circular and more like a small New Orleans or Paris, like it has been in other dreams. Maria gets a small white dog for graduation I guess and it remains with us. She is trying to make a point about what I need as an artist or a writer,or where or how I've gone astray. We walk out through marshlands. It seems like there are other people with us. We pick up some things along the way. There are multiple frogs & the sensation of swimming and a couple of figures swimming too at one point where the water body is larger and more like a lake. Mostly it is like a creek or small river. We end up at a kind of shed at the end of the Marshland's and in it are all kinds of papers and trash and pieces of leftover art of mine. This is what Maria was trying to show me. I want to take things, it immediately seems like a bunch of things I need or have been missing but Maria tries to make me leave everything there. I end up taking only a few orange and white pieces of paper.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I am working at the cafe only it is different, more beachy, like raffael's in a way and there is an upstairs and LA LA is still working there. I am doing a lot for them and running around and maybe getting yelled at, so I end up opting on going upstairs where there is some kind of school for kids and people my age with problems and special needs. Hannah (Rob's ex ) is there. I'm not sure if I go at first to join them but they all gravitate toward me right away. I am with a few of them and then one in a white kind of straight jacket grabs me and lays me down with him on a chair but in a sweet way of being like "i like my friend. take a nap."everyone in the main room is sitting in chairs in a half circle curved and faced toward the front of the room away from the door. Now I remember- I had to use the bathroom and kept trying to bring it up but didn't know where it was. When the straight jacket guy has me the flip-flop guy Mansfield from the cafe comes in and eyes us and says "yeah he's got you." Hannah is in the hall after I use the bathroom and she is nice to me then.

While being there I seem to remember something like Greice was saying they had been sent there before, as if it were a kind of punishment.

Joyce asks me to get something from a wooden shelf suspended near the ceiling of the restaurant. To get down I have to climb down a ladder and I do it the wrong way which Joyce points out. I  think I am going to      fall but then I let the ladder fall gently and land on my feet.

Tammie is sitting on the stairs blocking my way. These are different stairs, like at Devons house in a way. She is wearing a big pink fur coat and I start singing Macy Gray at her and she laughs.

When I am up the stairs finally into the attic La La pops her head out and Tammie says something and we both sing "Shes a lady, wo-o-oh she's a lady" and think its very funny.

Monday, November 5, 2012

deciding where to put the brussel sprout tree, we put it somewhere on display...

the other night after falling asleep on my parents couch, in the morning i dreamed or there was something on television talking about the whiskers and eyebrow hairs on cats and what they're used for...accuracy remains unconfirmed by parents. was called something like sebatio or simpattico