Saturday, March 24, 2012

Lighly is underwater like in a bath tub and there are little bugs like fleas starting to come out of her fur because theyve been under the water too long and are drowning.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I am coming to meet my family somewhere in the cape. I walk in to our living room in Norwell and there is a little dog in a basket. I ask her who the dog is for and pick it up and hold it. It looks like a miniature doberman/ chihuaha and I ask her if its for me and she says something but its like shes not answering the question and I think its weird she didn't tell me about the dog. I look up and I realize she's telling me she's pregnant. For some reason I know she's pregnant because there's a large lump like a tumor hanging off her wrist. Then I think she's actually showing in a real way but I'm not sure.

Then I am in the minivan trying to get to the hotel where my family is and I pull into a long gravel driveway and my brother walks out and he is smoking what looks like a cigarette and turns out to be a joint. I wonder if he is upset about Mom being pregnant. He asks me if I want one of the joints and I do but then he kind of refuses to give it to me and I am trying to find a lighter and can't find one. It seems like I have to get my stuff out of a room in the hotel. I remember driving.