Tuesday, September 15, 2015

in a strange college town where there is a coffee shop and sara silk is there and maybe her friend lisa baron... sarah silverman is about to do a standup set at the coffee shop and it costs maybe $5 and i am unsure whether i can go and walk down the street.

there is an apartment with the door open and i can see a group of people sitting around a table and think maybe i recognize them. i walk in and it is john hopper maccallum and his nuclear family all wearing very kitchy christmas outfits. there is a cat and it seems like i know the cat. i believe i greet the cat and the cat runs out the door.

they are surprised to see me but very nice to me when i walk in. i ask john if he is going to see sarah silverman. when the cat runs out the door we go outside. i am standing outside with john's mother and notice there is a big dog laying on the porch. it seems the dog does not move. the mom makes a joke about the dog and also says kit is a 'nurse's dog'.  i think the joke is supposed to be about the dog being a beached whale and it takes me a minute to decide this was the joke and then i say something to illustrate that i got the joke. i am no longer sure if her comment was a joke. if not, i have certainly just said something offensive.

i get the distinct impression, however, that the dog is unmoving at all times and lives its life as if on bed rest on the front porch of their home facing in toward the door (perhaps why they keep the door open) the dog also looks more like a cartoon girl and her ears look like hair and i believe she can talk. she has a very large body and many nipples.

the inside of their home as far as i can see it is very ornamental and rich looking, the wall paper is blue and white with gold embellishing and as i start to look around i notice more gold and ornamentation in the decor. it is much like napoleon's apartments at the louvre.

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