Monday, January 14, 2013

series of recent dreams out of order

I buy about 6-10 baby zoo animals online at a weak moment. I am keeping them in the mini-van and somehow no one is catching on. They start growing. Some are ok (ostriches, rodent-like animals, marsupials) but others (polar bear) keep growing at an alarming rate and quickly become dangerous. I realize I don't know how to train a bear and that the bear in my mini-van could definitely take my arm off after the bear in the mini-van almost takes my arm off. I start trying to get rid of the animals without letting anyone know I am harboring the animals. Right before I wake up I am with the baby elephant, which is the best one but also the largest.

When I wake up I am concerned for several minutes over the possibility and convenience of drunkenly buying exotic animals online...for very very cheap.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I am in some kind of art show but separate  a series of photos but like I had to take my own photo seperately - to represent myself as an artist or as the piece itself- I put up a picture of myself posing in a similar way to the threee other portraits of three other artists

I should have used a different more abstract photograph that I had that was a real piece of art and keep thinking about this through all my other dreams and before I wake up- a mistake

Across a table from Uncle Gene and he is talking about how he goes to this one place and gets very cheap hamburgers and washes them down with some kind of drink

Right before I fall asleep I see a roasted pineapple slice sculpture/mold shaped like a pig.  It looks like a burnt pig or as I said in the fingernail poem, perhaps, a "charred sausage".
^I tell Ryan this before sleeping