Wednesday, November 20, 2019

IN MY brothers room in the dream and gilby is there going in and out of the bottom drawer and im trying not to close it and anytime i move it a little he comes running out

and there is a brown rabbit in the hallway and chloe and lightly there too and when i look in the hallway my dad going into the bathroom

and all the animals are getting along and dont need cages

and i am texting james but we are also in some vacation house on the water and i am looking at water and boats and guess im fishing and am going to text james this 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


curt jarva downstairs with gilby about to put him in the trash and i have to stop him

last night;

at a party at new alliance and a bunch of guys are sitting on the floor drawing on the floor in crayon and they are drawing all robot heads and parts all connected in a big circle , one is a yellow robot head, and i come in and draw a more human girl head in green in crayon coming out from the circle and ethan is there and maybe drawing too and he is smiling and im saying oh no wait til nick sees this it wasnt me ! and we are kind of laughing

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

with james leto in bed and making out and hes saying or im saying kissing is like a massage and just making out forever in my brothers room in bed (where im sleeping) and maybe having sex at some point and getting louder and im realizing were at my parents house...
go to this big auditorium with sid and sara silk is there and running some kind of program, its kind of like a pipe and drape job, setting up for something or taking things down, the room is mostly empty, and i am helping out and hoping we are gonna bond i guess but she is runniong around in charge of things and very cold to me and i dont know why... at some point there is a big piece of fabric on the ground and i pick it up and fold it and she tells me i did it wrong and this is the only thing she says to me... and sid notices and says something about it to me like she really doesnt like me and we are unwanted there... then whatever is going on is over and she walks behind a temporary wall and gabby 9what is her last name) from highschool (dark hair olive skin her dad was my soccer coach) is saying we are all celebrities and there are a bunch of girls i went to high school with there and they are all doing some kind of video / photo shoot together and sara silk is standing on a taqble or spomething at the top of the group that are all gathered around together in this box set, rose lombardo is there and im not sure who else and they are doing this video skit celebrating how they are all famous and i am just looking on and its like they dont even see me or acknowledge me... and me and sid walk away and i am thinking well maybe its just a video for soul cycle and then remembering sara silk didnt even go to high school with me and feeling v dejected