Sunday, November 30, 2014


Weird dream where I feel like I finally understand something about the nature of reality/ unreality/ dream reality/ physics  ? Standing on the platform of a train station and jeryn is there and I think someone else is there and when there is some kind of signal the train starts moving and someone is on the train or off the train and this switches back and forth like I am learning how to be on or off the moving train at whim and others are showing me how they can dissipate onto the moving train and then dissipate off and be standing in the same place on the platform again
Kathleen Kramer, Lindsay, Alyssa Murphy, everyone is around we are at some kind of party/ dealing with some strange kind of reality we all understand

Monday, November 24, 2014

dreams over the past week

i am in the channel cafe with the new floors only the floors are all drawn the same as curtis's floors, the exact same floors i think.

something like john cremona is there but not sure that i quite see him

alvan and i both have interactions with some kind of white cat and the cat treats us both the same way.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

several weeks ago had a dream where will showed up drunk and apologetic. maybe we couldn't quite get through to one another. hair mussed.
on some kind of road trip with my parents, through something like a natural preservation land kind of amusement park with something inside like a fountain in the middle or like the grand canyon but not really at all like the grand canyon. then we get in the car and are driving through places/ walking through places like Austin or what seems like a strip mall of little restaurants, kind of like that one street in L.A. where everything seems kind of indoors and kind of outdoors at the same time, or everything is almost a food court; we are deciding where to go to eat. Maybe you could only get to the first place via a big cruiseship kind of boat, more like a ferry.