Friday, September 25, 2015

Right before I wake up

I am trying to climb up a very tall ladder that has very thin spindly boards as steps with some of the steps missing

Up to my apartment

And it is occurring to me 'this is an anorexia apartment' 

Because it is built to be almost falling apart and straining under my weight as I am trying to climb up the ladder and is supposedly only for very thin people to live in

I remember, Sara silk has just lived in this apartment before me

And I am trying to get upstairs to my apartment to get one vegetarian sandwich from the refrigerator which I have just remembered is there

When Jessica church comes up on the porch behind me and maybe I tell her what I am doing and she says the sandwich is in the refrigerator downstairs and gets it for me and I don't have to climb back up the ladder

Jessica church is living in the apartments downstairs which are divided up in this big fragile house like a house in charleston I guess

She comes out another time before this and has a bag dog with her both times which comes and helps me with her and is one time wearing a mask

It is a big husky looking dog like the dog XO only it is all black, she drives away in a car with it

I vaguely remember being upstairs in the apartment and having a roommate

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