Monday, October 29, 2012

Right before I wake up I am with Max in Ricks's bathroom in Charleston. I had a brand new computer and its sitting on the blue stool from my parents house outside the shower (and I see now we're in the upstairs bathroom of my parents house). The computer is covered in water and I start getting upset and then Max comes in and I realize the computer is actually smashed on the top and then I realize the computer is actually a microwave and I don't care anymore.

Its a kind of high school scene. I am walking around-- no I've gone camping, first with Erin Leslie Uncle Andy  and Aunt Carol. First we are at a house getting ready to go. Erin seems very upbeat and so does Leslie. I have to pee in an uncomfortable way. When I am in the bathroom Aunt Carol is putting on makeup in the mirror and is half naked and a very beautiful woman. She looks like someone else. I am trying to remember what she is supposed to be like. Then we are sitting at a picnic table outside the camping house and there is a tent in the yard and I wonder if we've really camped or not that night because I've never actually been camping before (true). At the picnic table it is more like work and Beth is there or I go to meet Beth at the bar and then she is there and we get bright colored juice drinks like I got from the Carribean man at the Veggie Fest in Roxbury (real life). She is ordering food and I think the bartender looks at me weird like maybe I am going to eat her french fries. I am acutely aware that I have no money. Someone else comes to the bar and it may be Greice. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

I am working at Channel Cafe. First I am going around shops with some other people,I think Pierce is one. We are looking for alcohol. It may be New Orleans. I decide to buy a smoothie in a plastic box like you might buy a candy apple in. I check if its vegan and  it is. It is bright pink like pepto bismol. I end up having to work and Joyce sort of puts me in charge or everything behind the counter only behind the counter is different, more industrial. I decide I'll put alcohol in my smoothie drink where before I wasn't going to.

There is some kind of related but seperate flash back to highschool where some friend of mine is going and sleeping in this special teacher room and everytime she goes and Ms. Keating is in there Ms.Keating tells her she can't be in there but nothing ever happens, because, really,we think, Ms.Keating's not supposed to be in there either.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I am in Charleston with Rob and I came there a time before just for the night out of nowhere. I know because I can see pictures of myself or see myself like I would a picture, wearing a big fur coat.

Maria has taken pictures somewhere downtown in "historical" Charleston, dressed like a pilgrim with a blue dress and a bonnet on. Some are just her and then some others I am there in the background in sunglasses and my fur coat. I think I look like Elvis.

I don't know where Rob is. I am wandering around houses. I think I know there  is something going on with Maria.