Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I am with rp but talking to frankas and telling frankas about how I am having this dream that rp and I are both in separate planes and flying from one part of the world to another in a very short amount of time very easily like the whole earth is a small ball of parts (land) that is easily navigable by these planes and the planes are easy to land and if you fall out of the plane you can do it easily enough to land softly on the ground, you just need to look for land, Rp is only rp for a minute sitting in the other plane but then I think he is someone else or the other person becomes less of a concrete person... I am dreaming this and telling frankas about it and start talking out loud and realize I am dreaming that I am dreaming this and telling frankas about it and really frankas is asleep next to me. So he is there. 

Then I am with some woman some black woman and what is she doing...it is like we are running a cafe or something....some kind of party going on....something very silly but fun dreaming....maybe I will remember,

When I wake up I am thinking of how pleasant my dreams were and how fabricated...

It was doing something very simple with the woman....

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