Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I am on a journey some kind of art tour with Antonia and coriander and we are on a big bus with other people on the bus also who are not on the art tour. I can see the art in the bathrroom, sometimes the bus seems bigger than a bus and more like a building by the large bathrooms which we have been doing art in, there is lots of black, big birds on paper and the birds are colorful neon like primary neon color with black painted all over the background and Antonia has some pieces of hers like this too with lots of black negative space. We are on the bus and we stop and stay at Amanda's house and I think thrones grandma lives there too and some other women and not sure if Amanda is there but don't think she is, there are big oriental rugs curling up at the edges of the room laid out in the bedroom, the rooms are large, and all the furniture and furnishings in the room are wrapped and covered in brown paper, I am looking around and thinking whe does Amanda sleep and thinking she stayed in the other room. I use the bathroom and in the bathroom there is shit on the floor by the toilet and I am guessing it is to do with something like one of the women is kind of crazy, like they'd are living in poverty but the house is nice and there doesn't seem enough reason for it to be that way...I am trying to use the mirror or the toilet and avoid the shit and its very disturbing to be in there

We get back on the bus and somewhere the bus stops and I know it is San Francisco and I get off the bus and call anson thinking maybe he will show up right there and meet my friends and he answers but hangs up quick and I don't see him I realize Antonia and coriander aren't with me and I've gotten off the bus thinking we must be changing buses but maybe we weren't- I get on the next bus and somehow a while later we all realize we're on the same bus again..

We're making art in a house and then I see the paintings on paper the black and neon birds and Antonia's pieces fractal pieces hanging up on a wall very tight and close together like maybe we're having an art show..

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