Thursday, March 17, 2011

I go with Paul Fletcher to Kelsey Chapman's house for some kind of party. Kimbo is there. It is her parents mansion or something. I am broke, which I think is part of the incentive to go. I am trying to get high and hope she can hook me up with some pot or a pot dealer. I do end up getting high with her and smoke almost the whole joint by accident but luckily only her and i are smoking. So me and paul are at her house and she is in a dark room with other people, i think boys from charleston. I am hanging out and at some point I notice paul is gone and I go looking for him and he is in a bedroom asleep, he says he forgot that drinking a tall boy puts him to sleep. there is a pbr tall boy in the bed with him. i say a nap is a good idea and get into bed with him and i guess we nap. then kelsey's mom is there and we have to go out into the kitchen and there is all this food and stuff. kelsey's mom is talking about stuff and then kelsey starts talking about how she went to afganistan and how when she first went it was a big deal because the airport was an obvious target for bombing if they could get close to it. she said something about how the women are starving there, or she started to say it and then sort of stopped like it was a secret. her mom talked about how hard it was for her to live in the afghani villa or whatever with no tv and cell phone and only sometimes an internet connection, she was saying how she would be outside on a chaize lounge all day, just typing on her computer...i'm not sure why kelsey had gone to afghanistan but it seemed like something about interviews and stuff. at one point i got really hungry and went into the kitchen to eat the corn on the cob and the corn cobs all had huge floppy kernels on them and each was in a little wire mesh cage sortof but all of them were half-wholly eaten but i still tried to eat a half eaten one. afterwards i realized it was drenched in butter (vegan uh-oh). kelsey's mom was in the kitchen and all the food was these strange vegetables like the corn so i asked her if she had a garden or they grew their vegetables. she said they got them at some kind of market. the whole vibe i got at the house was that they were sort of faux-genuine people, mostly rich, but i didnt really mind. then we went on a car ride, i'm not sure where to. I saw a stone fox outside the window and went "oh, a fox!" and kelsey and her mom were like hahaha thats not a fox, and i was a little embarassed because i realized i knew where we were and had passed the stone fox many times before. after we passed the fox there was an open field of deer and maybe cows. i knew where we were and it seemed like marshfield or something, somewhere in new england. i feel like we were going to their house. we smoked another joint in the car.

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