Tuesday, December 29, 2015

amy shumer is in town and she has been texting me... things like pictures of her with a thought bubble coming out of her head and some of my birds in the thought bubble...

i realize and text her back and talk to her about going to the middle east. i realize we were supposed to go together last week but i didn't show up.

i meet up with her and bring her into a room where frankas and someone else is and introduce her. then we are at some kind of comedy club kind of backstage and i find tyrone there and someone else, a girl, maybe sam j.

i am thinking of what jokes i am going to do and trying to think of a joke to do for amy, kind of about amy...i am thinking i will do elmo and the tiniest hand job and i can't think of what to do next. i realize she really wants to go to the middle east though and its reassuring but i want to do well. i remember her saying she bombed a lot and try to think of something genuine i could just try out.

in another part of the dream i am in some kind of math class and in the math class we are making a water ecosystem in a dark room. there is a big tank of water with plant life growing all around it in the center of the room and you can walk all the way around the tank.

there are eels and fish and little miniature dolphins in the tank. i pick up one of the dolphins out of the water and it turns into one of those sponge grow-a-sponge things that gets bigger when you put it in the water. but when it is in the water it is a real miniature dolphin and it swims around.

i realize they make this whole ecosystem for the math class every semester and i start wondering what they do with all ther animals and everything after each semester.

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