Thursday, December 3, 2015

a kind of a screen play going on where i play a character played by elisabeth shoe and nicholas cage is involved.... it seems to start out in this 'whole foods' that is a barn and attached to some new age museum downtown and inside the whole foods is also an exotic pet store but it is hard to get into the exotic pet store part...

when i get in there finally (and maybe i am elisabeth shoe) louis ck is in there too and looking at the animals... there is one animal that looks like a miniature blue koala bear... it comes with its own backpack and seems to roll around on the floor a lot...

i try to convince louis ck that we should buy this animal together

(is this the whole gist of the screenplay?)

things turn into a trip in italy we are on, me and maybe julia or someone that kind of seems like julia and lorne michaels i know because i keep saying lorne michaels because i start yelling about my shoulder and leave the group trip on my bicycle and I'm flying down highways in italy on my bicycle and i know i've been there before and I'm saying that someone told me on the plane that i had dislocated part of my shoulder to a certain part and i am crying to lorne about it.

i am looking at the shoulder on an x ray at where the skin and meat has sunk beneath the bone,
when i wake up.

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