Monday, August 10, 2015

frankas has an apartment somewhere in like medford but close to watertown and he takes me there from emf

there is no one there but it looks old and lived in and carpeted and musty like an apartment in long island

i move in and at first i have my own room and both my cats are there my room is small and has a twin bed

we start sleeping in one room together and i don't leave the apartment far enough to figure out where we really are and we only go there by car at night it seems

at one point we are at the nearest t station and i am asking people what it is called and they don't know but one woman says it is mount pleasant

back at the apartment i notice there is someone in a room or i go to go in the other bathroom (there is one bathroom in total disrepair where the litter box is kept)

out of the room comes this giant guy that looks like a big tuna and has a whitish face and lips like he's been submerged in water for a long time

i am shocked and alert franks and franks sees the guy who kind of stumbles around and leaves and he just kinda shrugs

i keep wondering if the cats are there and still alive and i go into another room and see he sleeping underneath a bed and there is another bed in the room too which my mother is sleeping in

i guess my mom has moved in with us and it is awkward when we wake her up by being in the room, me first i guess because i look and see the cats and then  i am watching tv on the bed and then frankas comes and finds me

it turns out franks has at least two room mates he hasn't told me about, one is his sister and the other is this girl danielle i think she's called and she starts yelling and talking a lot like maybe there is something wrong with her and maybe she is yelling at another girl in another room

there are only two boxes of cereal for food and i eat some of the cereal and wonder if franks sister is mad at me but it seems like she's not, she seems nice and more level headed than the other girl and maybe like she wanted me to eat the cereal

i don't really talk to them directly though and I'm wondering where frankas is

at one point i go in thhe twin bed room and the bed is all torn up and there is shit on the bed and i don't know what going on

when i go back into the room the next time there is no bed and its more like a rec room or little sewing room and i discover three more rooms after it going down the hall behind it

seems that vince lives nearby with his shop in some alternate universe watertown

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