Monday, November 19, 2012

In the end I am in Charleston with Maria who is graduating  and she says something about how the funny thing is about going to graduation... and I point out that she didn't go to my graduation ceremony. Charleston is curvy and circular and more like a small New Orleans or Paris, like it has been in other dreams. Maria gets a small white dog for graduation I guess and it remains with us. She is trying to make a point about what I need as an artist or a writer,or where or how I've gone astray. We walk out through marshlands. It seems like there are other people with us. We pick up some things along the way. There are multiple frogs & the sensation of swimming and a couple of figures swimming too at one point where the water body is larger and more like a lake. Mostly it is like a creek or small river. We end up at a kind of shed at the end of the Marshland's and in it are all kinds of papers and trash and pieces of leftover art of mine. This is what Maria was trying to show me. I want to take things, it immediately seems like a bunch of things I need or have been missing but Maria tries to make me leave everything there. I end up taking only a few orange and white pieces of paper.

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