Friday, April 8, 2011

Lots of things, ok. So part of it is that I am with Mr. Bohan for some reason and he re-reads me like every card I've ever written and points out where things get sloppy. He is sort of advising me, sort of patronizing me in a way. What is Lindsay doing? I tell her about it. I am at their house which is sort of like a condo on a dark street and then I am on the dark street. Right before I wake up I am standing outside a venue or something where Will is inside and he sees me and I am self conscious because I know I have come there alone and he was not expecting me to and possibly I have traveled far...

Ok, middle dream (I think); There is a big art show in Charleston like Kulture Klash but there are more women involved, its going on during the day time, and it seems a bit classier. I am a student or at least involved in a young student-y way. I come in knowing I have some stuff in the show and am suprised by all the women and vaguely charleston people working there who come up to me...a woman says that she has never sold so much work at one time ( at this event) nor has she had as many comments as to "how brilliant" the work is. I am totally agape at the whole thing. I become an instantaneous art star...someone who seems kind of like john maccallum comes up to me delivering a message from this other guy artist (he looks like seth corts and paints a bit like tim hussey maybe and is apparently rich and famous off his art) inviting me to go on an "art tour" with him- all expenses paid with nice hotels...basically in the dream i become a rock star for painting and then afterwards I go to Lindsay's house where her Dad points out all my failures to me.

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