Friday, February 13, 2015

I am omnipotent with Beth stern at fashion show and in the lives of Beth and Howard stern, Persephone merit, David am law is my best friend, truck driver, I am telling people at a halfway house, Dave tree runs, there are empty cabinets and frames in the outdoor hall sunroom, kind of like an artist asylum, more like a. Basement on the inside, Beth stern buying two canisters of seaweed at a corner sushi shop in New York, I am going on vacation with Janet Jarva and bringing cats back, bringing one cat for everyone, uncle Kenny wants a cat and also moves into the art asylum forcing Andrew mello to leave (this is what I hear I do not see Andrew mello after this rumor) trying to eat food junk food, cookies and pizza, stopping at a restaurant on family vacation with Erik and curt and janet. The artist asylum is more like an abandoned house, kind of like the basement in 101 Dalmatians. Beth stern is sitting next to me but in a different row at the fashion show and then climbs over the row to sit next to me and starts telling me about stuff, and stuff with Howard, she says there is something he does when you walk in the house that I will see. There is something like a broken mirror in the artists asylum when I see Andrew mello there.... Later on I am with Persephone and she is trying on two different outfits, one with purple straps across the back that looks fancy and another that is more a muted green color. I am wearing a pink muted too and green skirt of some kind, kind of like a long lost Montreal outfit I wore with Lindsay...I am biking through norwell and run into "Zachary Jacobs" if that's the right guy the one with the hair that travels.

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