Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Frankazoid is meeting my parents seems like reality but also some kind of strange dimensional reality where I can see all the people/ activities on one plane, almost like we are skyping with my father....when frank as sees him he starts writing an equation backwards on his forehead and my father is reading it and not quite agreeing but there is an understanding, e=mc ? My mother and we are on the couch, in a strange but familiar high apartment (who is visiting who) she is impressed by the franks foreheads writing skills,

We are hugging or brushing each other's heads

I go to the frank as apartment which looks like Sherlock Holmes apartment or the high room in a nightmare before Christmas, with a similar palate to the previous dream room, Browns and yellows and maybe some deep reds- maybe he is lying down when I first come in, it is like the emf room but different orientation like turned to the side so one wall is all windows, there are candles and fabric and mirrors and a wood table. Karen is there in mirrors maybe but then I see she is there in the room and I'm. Not sure if this is real reality or virtual reality but it seems like she just wants to be there and observe us and the frank as says this is ok and I am ok with it in that I don't want her to hate me, but it is a different reality in the dream, 

I wake up and see the frankas is there and I have fallen asleep

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