Monday, August 12, 2013

the night before last night, next to rob potylo

Rob Potylo and I are in a car, I am driving. Its late at night kind of like we are coming back from a trip like rob and I's trip to Austin. We come up to this bridge and its bright blue, as if plastic coated in bright blue. I watch as the blue part of the bridge comes off like a weird scraping slithering thing that leaves the under structure of the bridge intact but to the right over the edge of the bridge the part of the bridge that has come off like a skin is laying over the side rails, a blue ladder of plastic/metal like for a tree house. Rob doesn't notice somehow and I tell him to look. I don't know whether to drive or not, other cars seems to be going through but you can't see what happens to them. The blue overcoat of the bridge suddenly slithers back over the bridge structure and we go forward.

End up in a small downtown area like china town and people i know in boston are milling around. I see these lego men with flat pin sized tops instead of heads and scoop them up off the sidewalk, plus a coffee grinder kind of kitchy magnet. Then Vic from Audio Pro comes up behind me and hands me a flyer and says they are having a sale. I guess he works at the place behind me where I think the magnet and legos have come from. Ethan Marsh is across the street and has green hair and I say something to him and he comes over and starts doing lines from some "funny" broad comedy, popular in recent history. 

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