Sunday, October 10, 2010

maria asks me if i want to go to see the celtics play their first playoff game, she has two tickets. i say yes and start trying to et dressed but hate everything i put on and it takes a really long time and we almost miss the bus. bus? yes. we are going to the celtics game on a bus and then it is sort of like the italy trip. we get to where the bus station sort of is and its like a whole area. there is a cold stone creamery and beth is working there. she wants me to work there too and i say no way i am not going back to coldstone but she tells her manaer or whatever that i used to work there and somehow gets me on the shift immediately. a pudgy guy asks me for something like a 'cookies and cream' which i think is sweet cream ice cream with oreos and whipped cream and fudge. so i make it for him and try to give it to him but he says its not what he ordered at all. after that i leave the cold stone (which is more like an open-air kiosk than a regular store) and start walking toward where i think the bus is. on the way i run into carol ann who is carrying a carton (like a whole carton, 20 packs) of either camel wides or camel unfilters (that dark brown orangey packaging) she says she has been craving that kind of cigarette but isnt going to smoke all of them and that i can take a pack or a half pack later if i want and not to tell anyone. i say oh oh i mean thats ok, but really i do want a pack because i have no cigarettes and i don't have any money to buy them either and i don't want to have to bum off maria. carol ann goes off into a doorway and when she comes back out all these people are carrying boes of free stuff over to long folding tables and i think maybe carol ann is holding a megaphone. people swarm the tables to get the free stuff. i remember about the nba game and try to go to find maria. carol ann knows about it too and i think maybe she is going. somehow i think i have missed the bus and garret davis pulls up in a minivan or an suv. i think he is going to take me to the bus, there are 2 or three other people in the car. i ask carol ann for a pack of cigarettes and she gives me one. i wonder if she wants to smoke cigarettes because peacock smokes and because i do. then garrett lets me in the passenger side door and i hold on to the seatbelt or something and before i close the door he starts driving. he drives around crazy as if he is trying to fling me from the car but i hold tight onto the seatbelt or whatever and finally he comes to a screeching halt. he says something along thelines of don't tell anyone about that but i can tell that this was some kind of rite of passage and that he was testing me and that he was glad i held on. i also think how easy it was to hold on and how everything is really a choice and i knew and he knew that i could just choose to hold on and if i had fell off i would have been choosing to fall off.

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