Tuesday, March 12, 2019

go to a museum with aunt kathy jenny kashuck lindsay bohan -- we are going in the morning only its afternoon but i am tired and want coffee really badly but we have to go to the empty museum---

aunt kathy has something / shows me something -- made of wood ?

and there is no coffee and its late enough that we go to some social in some restauranty type part of the museum and have drinks

run into jacki maynard and know that she just had a child recently and start walking down the stairs with her and am saying how amazing it was she got pregnant and had this baby and looks great

and she says 'i was really hoping you were going to have a babay and i waited 6 years for you to have it' and she says it like we all had six years to have a baby and the time is over ---

and it really strikes me and i turn to her and say 'im going to have a baby'

(and i wake up and am somehow relieved to remember that jacki maynard doesnt even have a baby and my 6 years arent up)

*a few nights ago john cremona showed up and i was so happy to see him but i dont remember where and what happened*

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