Tuesday, April 21, 2015

recap night of 4/18/2015

dreamed of going to do a show of white stripes covers in a small space about the size of the lilypad, jack white and meg white are there but i dont see them and they are playing my music. first i hear the dead leaves and the dirty ground cover and somehow i know all this, but its like a show im supposed to be performing at but actually they are just playing my music and then jack and meg white are really going to perform but i dont see them even though i know they are there.

i am at my parents house and go with frankazoid to his mother's house which is up on a cliff with a green lush hill plateaus where the house is and the driveway and we are sleeping i guess outside overlooking the backyard, off the cliff in the back is my parents house which we can see clearly, in the dream it is an epiphane that frankazoid's moms house is right here in view of my parents house (i wonder what the non-reality implications of this dream-reality observation are?) we are lying there (and maybe there is a clothesline out the window) and all of a sudden some kind of dugong comes to life in the water below the cliff anbd then other exotic animals loike safari jungle animals, all coming to life and we realize they are all around us, not scary at all, just suprising and wonderful

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