Saturday, May 19, 2012

I am going to some kind of restaurant with my dad and mom and brother and maybe Erin. When we walk in and are waiting by the door I ask if its a religious thing and Erin I think says its something like getting to the next and next level so that you can eventually enjoy every moment. I say , "like Buddhism, like being present?" It strikes me as a kind of faddish thing. I'm not sure whether the restaurant was part of the philosophy or the building turned into a restaurant. My dad and I walked around the kitchen on the hardwood floors and you could feel the beams that made up the floor through the floor which was like wood but stretchy and giving as if it were made of vinyl.

I am in a car in Sumner Tunnel. All the cars are stopped and I am talking to someone in one of the cars next to me when Robin Williams comes walking down through the cars. He is swinging a bottle of what looks like wine but when I look closer its actually some kind of sparkling water. He is making jokes but I can't remember any of them.

Somewhere at the Cafe or with Joyce and Joyce looks on a shelf and says  "Oh whos is this?" and its my tape recorder that Jason gave me and its recording.

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