Monday, December 19, 2011

I am living in an apartment thats supposed to be my apartment I guess but my room is at the front of the house and it sort of seems like Charleston. Paige is flying in and she comes over with Meghann Cannon who is wearing bright red lipstick and fur. I have someone else at the house, maybe Kelsey, someone I am trying to adopt.

Edna is in the toilet when I get home and she is all wet andfd I think maybe she is going to die because of it but she doesn't.

Ryan and I have sex in the bed and at the end I realize his friend is in the bed, like maybe he crawled in the window or something.

I go to this park thing with Erik and there is a whole line of different animals like in a kennel of dogs but all different animals like in a zoo, and I think theyre all out like this when its stime to feed them but the bars to the cages are really large like they could come through. I notice the bars on the cage where the snake is in are too wide for the snake and I wonder if the snake will leap out and bite me.

I walkm through and then I am on a grassy hill and then theres watern sort of like a monument and the weather is kind of like L.A. And Erik is on a blanket with little kids and they are playing a game in competition with this other blanket full of kids and it involves sliding down the hill at some point.

I somehow get two more cats and no one really notices. One has a black and white coat and for some reason people think it looks like Edna.

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