Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First I am with Will and its as if I have traveled a long distance or he has traveled a long distance. We are together for the first time in a while, I think. We end up in my parents bedroom, I think they are away. Anyways we are in the bed and I know that I have some coke on me but I'm not really thinking about it. Then Will pulls out a bag of coke and asks if I want to do some. This makes me think about/worried about the coke I have. I think he goes downstairs and I put it in my bedroom. So we do a bump or something and we are about to have sex when he interrupts things and says that we can't have sex. I am mortified and wonder if its because of my breath which I have a feeling is very bad. Then I find myself in an airport or something with Anson, it is like fast forward from will to my relationship with anson, which i think is fine until parents enter the picture somewhere and i am worried about the coke again. at the airport i end up needing to eat something or being told, perhaps by my mother, to eat something, so i go to a round kiosk (like the old coffee place in the plaza) and get a falalfel hummus wrap. i am sitting next to rachel hayes who smells something horrid and asks if its my breath. I decide my breat must be horrible and am re-mortified about the will thing. I eat about half the falafel before there is mention of coke and this little scrawny kid wearing a basball cap gets involved. he is TINY, very short and just tiny tiny-boned. somehow we are back at my parents house and cocaine gets spilled all over the carpet. i think my brother comes home. i am equal parts trying to do cocaine and trying to hide cocaine throughout this dream.

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